BUNDLE JOBS - We offer a rather comprehensive line of services. If there is something else you were thinking of having done, it doesn't hurt to ask us if we can take care of it while we're there. More often than not, we can offer you a better price to do them at once, than if the jobs were completed separately.
INCREASE YOUR SQUARE FOOTAGE - Much like bundling jobs, when you increase the overall square footage of the job we can often times give you a better price per square foot. Thinking of power-washing your deck? Inquire about including your sidewalk as well. Thinking about painting a bedroom? Consider having your hallway done while we're out.
CONSIDER T&M RATES - Have a long, or on-going list of work to be done? Consider hiring us at T&M rate. With T&M, or Time & Material, you get charged for the exact time and materials required for the work. While not the best way to go when dealing with less reputable contractors. This billing method often times actually saves the homeowner money.